<aside> 💡 The syntax is very much Terraform-inspired (not copied 😊). In fact, openmetrics-exporter uses the same HCL configuration syntax.


<aside> 💡 Openmetrics-exporter emits data in Prometheus format, which is directly compatible with the OpenMetrics format.

Throughout the document, you will observe [Last9 Exclusive] which are additional benefits that can only be leveraged when sending data to Last9.


The OpenMetrics project - Creating a standard for exposing metrics data

3-step example to observe an AWS Load Balancer

1️⃣ Step1: Create the following structure

Assuming, you initialized the repository using the Onboard through Last9 Github App guide, Inside the openmetrics-exporter directory, create a structure like this:



2️⃣ Step 2: Create a my_variables.json file

3️⃣ Step3: Test and Plan

<aside> 💡 If the single file gets too large, you can/should always split it into multiple fragments to your comfort.




In the above example aws_components.hcl, we referred to the module_uri as

**module_uri** = "<https://github.com/last9/iox-registry/releases/download/v0.0.88/aws_alb_cloudwatch.hcl>"