This guide lists the steps required to send Cloudwatch logs to S3. It involves:
Credentials which have access to do the following operations in the target AWS account.
Following commands
- installation instructionswget
- installation instructionsLast9 monitoring user ARN - created during Last9 onboarding
export last9_monitoring_user_arn=xyz
Create an S3 bucket to which Cloudwatch will send logs.
Enable read-only access to the target S3 bucket by following these instructions.
Download the infra creation script
cd /tmp/
wget <>
chmod +x
Run the script in dry run mode to verify what infra will be created
# replace $target_s3_bucket by bucket to which you want to send logs
DRYRUN=1 ./ $target_s3_bucket
Run the script without dry run mode to create the above infra
DRYRUN=0 ./ $target_s3_bucket | tee /var/tmp/cloudwatch-to-s3-lambda-infra.log 2>&1
Last line of output from the above creation on success will be
STATUS: lambda: Created use arn:aws:lambda:ap-south-1:xxxx:function:cloudwatch_to_s3
Save the arn in an enviornment variable
export lambda_arn=arn_output_from_above_step
Re-run the script to grant permissions to last9 user to get, deploy and invoke the lambda
DRYRUN=0 ./ $target_s3_bucket $last9_monitoring_user_arn
Once the above Lambda is deployed, you can use this section to schedule it to ship logs of multiple log groups by adding a Cloudwatch event rule per log group.
Use the Lambda ARN in the previous section to add Cloudwatch event rule to trigger itself.
cd /tmp/cloudwatch_to_s3/files
./ LambdaLogsToCloudwatch $lambda_arn