Cloudwatch stream enables Last9 customers to send their Cloudwatch metrics to Last9 Levitate.


Please contact [email protected] for getting the value of the $cloudwatch_stream_url that will be used later in this document.

Creating an AWS Kinesis Delivery Stream

  1. Open the AWS Kinesis homepage (

  2. Open the left sidebar (click on the ☰ icon, if it is not expanded already)

  3. Click on Delivery Streams

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.02.08 PM.png

  4. Click on Create delivery stream

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.02.54 PM.png

  5. Choose Direct PUT

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.03.03 PM.png

  6. Delivery stream name = last9-$your_organization_name

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.03.22 PM.png

  7. Set the HTTP endpoint as the per the received $cloudwatch_stream_url value

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.05.24 PM.png

  8. Choose or create an s3 bucket to save data which the stream failed to deliver.

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 9.12.51 PM.png

  9. Click on Create delivery stream


Sending data from Cloudwatch to the delivery stream

  1. Open the Cloudwatch console and click on Metrics -> Streams


  2. Click on Create metric stream

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 8.53.36 PM.png

  3. Chooose All metrics for sending all Cloudwatch metrics. Optionally you can also select specific name space metrics you want to send by using Select namespaces =.

    Screenshot 2021-12-15 at 8.54.12 PM.png

  4. Ensure that you use the delivery stream created in earlier step and the output format is Opentelemetry 0.7


  1. Enter the Metric stream name as last9-$your_organization_name - click on Create metric stream
