Service Level Objectives are a first-class citizen of looking at Service health at Last9.

When you set an SLO to a certain percentage, the system not only sets an alert on the overall Service health to not fall below that percentage; it also computes threat alerts based on the historical throughput of this service.

You can visit the Service settings page to view the feasible SLO over the past 24 hours and the last seven days.


If you find that SLO is breaking too quickly



You can unset the current SLO and replace it with a new appropriate one based on the availability visible in the right sidebar.


<aside> 💡 Always pick a value nearest to the lower 9. Example: If the current availability is 99.98 percent, the SLO that Service can meet is 99.9 and not 99.99



<aside> 💡 After changing the objective to a lower 9, the system waits for a cool-down period to ensure that the service can meet the new SLO. If all looks well after the waiting period, the Service is marked as Green again. 🏆



SLO Alerts

Threat alert

Alerts when the error_rate of service starts increasing rapidly, which threatens the specified Objective.